Welcome to Your Brightest, Whitest Smile Yet!

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Welcome to Forsyth Dental Center, the dental office of Dr. Clell M. Morris where we offer comprehensive dental services to our patients in Forsyth, Georgia, and the surrounding areas. One of the services we are proud to offer is teeth whitening, and our teeth whitening treatments utilize a powerful yet safe whitening gel that is applied to the surface of your teeth. This gel works to lighten the appearance of stains, discoloration, and yellowing on the tooth enamel. Teeth whitening is often available in both in-office and take-home systems. Professional teeth whitening can give you a noticeably whiter smile that will boost your self-esteem and help you smile with pride.

If your teeth lack the whiteness they used to have, you are not alone. Tooth discoloration is common, whether from wear and tear over time, from what you eat and what beverages you drink, medication you might be taking, or even because of your family tree.

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains are surface stains caused by factors on the outside of the tooth, which include eating or drinking tooth-staining foods such as coffee, tea, or wine, smoking or chewing tobacco, and poor oral hygiene habits.

Intrinsic Stains

Intrinsic stains stem from whatever is going on inside the tooth. Tooth decay, taking certain medications such as tetracycline, over fluoridation (known as fluorosis), a chipped or broken tooth which has darkened from deadened nerves, or having a dark amalgam filling in the tooth can all cause tooth staining.

No matter what the cause of your tooth staining, we can help. Dr. Clell M. Morris is pleased to offer teeth whitening treatments for our patients looking to enhance their smile in Forsyth, Georgia. So if you would like to find out how our teeth whitening treatments can brighten your smile, or to schedule a visit with Dr. Morris, please give us a call at 478-994-0440 today. Tooth whitening is one of the easiest, fastest and simplest changes you can make to revitalize your smile!